Fillet Away Fish Mats are made of a high quality TPV material that does not absorb oil. The rows of pegs hold the fish securely in place while it is being cleaned. The result is a fillet mat that works to your advantage and is also easy to use and clean. No more stinky slippery fillet mats.
Any quantity $7.99 flat rate shipping, & typically ships next day.
Videos provided by fishing guides, professionals, and the everyday fishermen from our social media pages. We love seeing the mat in action so submit your content to share with others.
Great quality product! Works great on the kitchen or fishouse counter!
It does a good job of holding guts and what not. I thought the small nubs would do a better job of holding the fish from moving around. When filleting perch, they were very slippery on the mat making filleting difficult
Have not used it yet
Won't be used until spring...xmas gift
I was somewhat disappointed in the mat. Product seems like it would work, but the grip points are too stiff to grab the scales of the redfish. I believe it will work fine on the unscaled fish.
100% Made in the USA
100% Recyclable